
Wednesday 22 July 2015

On chills

I have zero chill with this new job. Not that they're demanding a lot from me or anything, but I'm demanding a lot from myself. Before Gaba - architecture. After Gaba - architecture. The fact that the bat is kinda, well, mine makes me very invested in making sure it turns out amazing. So I sit, snivelling in my heavily air conditioned room with the curtains drawn to keep out the relentless heat, and try desperately to think of something cool (pun intended).

Turtle gets a little worried that I work so much. With Gaba, the architecture gig and my private lessons, that towers up to a crazy three simultaneous jobs. Although, truth to be told, the main concern of his is Gaba, especially the way they treat you should you ever want a sick day. The Japanese staff are kind enough, but geez, my boss. He acts like it's an affront on his person and makes it out to you ruining his entire day/week/year/life. I understand it's not an ideal situation, but people do get sick sometimes, and you know what helps the recovery process? Not being a dick. Think about it.

That being said, I've been 'on' and sick for the better part of the week, so right now I'm just exhausted. All I want to do is to chill out with some alcohol and bad slasher movies for an evening. I guess one night off isn't too much to ask for, right?

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