
Monday 2 February 2015

On good starts and bad starts

Pictured: a surprisingly accurate representation.

I got myself a Wacom drawing tablet on Friday evening for Pony-related SCIENCE (I know that makes no sense to you guys, but I know it will make Pony wrack her brain as to what I'm planning for her birthday, so just bear with me)!  I've wanted one for years, literally, but have always been too cheap or nervous about my own ability to get one. The tablet I ended up buying was actually less expensive than I though it'd be, and I'm kinda in love with it. So far I'm still pretty shit at using it, but I'm giving myself time to learn it (and Photoshop), and I think I'm kinda getting there. In the meanwhile, I'm having a butt-load of fun with it.

With the project I'm working on (still a secret until February 15th), I've been doing a lot more drawing than I've done in a long time, and it feels really good. I'm doing a lot of reference stuff, studies of hands and faces, reading art blogs... I've missed being creative like this. I've also missed cheap hobbies that take up so much time. Case in point, I spent pretty much all of my off days playing around with just two sample pictures, just for inking practice. Given that February is going to be a rather bleak month, money-wise, I'll be happy to be cooped up in my little nest here, doodling away. I kinda wish I could do it all the time. Like, could someone please pay me to just fuck around with pens, paper and my computer? That'd be great.

Reality wouldn't do that though. Reality is a cruel place.

Speaking of reality, this month has gotten of to a really rocky start at work, and I don't get why. I've been working for two days, and I've already gotten two scores of 3. I haven't been teaching shit lessons either - none of the rookie mistakes I made back in the day when I actually did get 3's. Peewee asked if I'd been teaching a lot of new people, which I in fairness have, but come on new people - don't be dicks. It's frustrating, and it makes it hard not to dwell on it. I want to do my job as best as I can, and I try really hard, and when these people are vindictive fucks who don't want to see that, it bothers me. I'll need to ask my boss about it, but it embarrasses me. I feel like it's kinda beneath me to get such a crappy score, and only after two days of work no less. Then again, it'll show that I care, and all that crap. Hopefully this will weed out the bullshit people and they'll never come back.

Because fuck you for fucking up my stats.

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