
Saturday 28 February 2015

On the pursuit of Yohji

With New York Fashion Week having come and gone, and my salary back to what it should be after a very bleak February, I turn my eyes again to trying to make myself look awesome. Like I've said before, one of my life goals is to be able to afford my taste. Sashaying down the street in Yohji Yamamoto, fab hobo style... but alas, I'm a broke-ass girl with expensive tastes in one of the priciest cities of the world. There is unlikely to be any Yohji Yamamoto sashaying in any immediate future. So until then, I'm trying to do Yohji on a budget - and shit's hard. It's even harder not having anyone around who's really interested in that kind of stuff. I miss Pony and Puppy on a pretty much daily basis, but especially at times like these. I need shopping help, peeps.

Let me show you what I've conjured up so far.

Ignore the terrible styling.

IGNORE IT I SAY. Seriously though, who pairs these pants with beige pumps? Who?!

Okay, so this isn't technically very Yohji Yamamoto or anything, but fuck it - it's cute.

It's pretty doable for being all low budget, am I right? It's all a mix of H&M and Topshop, surprisingly enough. So come shop with me, peeps, and let me know at what point a hat stops being cool and becomes silly instead?

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