
Thursday 19 February 2015

On hunts and deciding Pony Day

Hey peeps! February doesn't seem to be much for a month of posting. There are some stuff going on, but mostly I think everything feels kinda routine. This morning I found out that someone that was in my initial certification group at work was offered a teaching position at Waseda, while I'm slaving away at Gaba, and that makes me feel a little dejected. Granted, things are better than they were, but I wouldn't mind a teaching position at one of the top universities in the city, if I'm going to have to teach at all I mean. What kind of bothers me though (and will make me sound a bit like a bitch), is how fucking awkward that guy was, and how little experience he had. Shit, is that all that's required? Maybe I should get back on the job hunt path.

Pretty accurate illustration of what will probably come of my job hunting.

I wish I'd brought my degree with me. It's going to suck to have to ask my sister to go up and dig through the millions of boxes to find it.

Anywho, I've been dicking around a lot with drawing stuff recently. I know I said I'd be revealing Pony's birthday project, but I haven't been able to get it done, which really bothers me. Things are taking longer than expected, and I've had shit on my mind. I've had students show maybe a little too much appreciation, a guy I met on Tinder kinda stalking me a little, and Potato contacting me from out of the blue to go "Hey, do you want to have sex?" before telling me that his transfer (that I knew absolutely nothing about) was decided, and that he'd be moving to Fukuoka. He wasn't nearly as handsome as I thought he was before though. I guess that's good. No lasting bitterness.

I'm not wasting any more time on you, you fuck.

I've been having really weird dreams the past few nights. I think I'm just kinda tired of the routine I'm in. Lately it's been drab working days mixed up with way too much alcohol, and while that's fine and dandy for a while (although I'm not sure my head, wallet or liver agree with that statement), I'm feeling like I'd at this point love like a week off or something to just sit down and draw. Consistently. All day, for a week. I think it would be cathartic, not to mention all the work I'd get done on my project. I'm setting a tentative reveal date at February 28th. February 28th is Pony Day.

Until then, I may or may not be posting in my usual sporadic way. Try not to get into too much trouble.

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