
Saturday, 28 September 2013

On a beautiful day of beautiful Koreans

Yesterday was quite possibly the best day I've had in a really long time. Everything was fun, I was super happy and it was just extremely rewarding to feel so amazing about everything. It really was one of those on top of the world situations. I could do anything. It was great!

Pony and I by the end of the evening.

Even work was all kinds of awesome. I was visited by not only one, but two groups of a total of eight adorable Koreans. It seems like one of their naval ships is docked in Stockholm, so there were a whole lot of cute sailors out and about, with adorable little sailor hats (you know, the white round ones that make everyone look completely ridiculous in a very endearing way). The second group actually knew a bit more English, so I got to talking with them a little. One of them was like k-pop hot, no kidding, and really friendly. Guess how beaming I was.

Because when someone who looks like Tao from EXO, with a sailor uniform, is flirting with you, there's nothing to do but thank the k-pop gods for their blessings.
They'd been speaking Korean all evening, so I asked them which part of Korea they were from. Generally I expect everyone to understand that South Korea was implied. I even asked "Seoul?" and they went "South! South!". I figured maybe they meant the south part of South Korea, before they added in a slightly panicky voice "Not North Korea! We do not like terror!" and I thought I was going to die laughing. They asked me to take a picture of them, so I did.  Then then the hot one wanted a picture with me, which I thought was kinda strange, but fuck it, I was flattered so I did it. My evil brain started wondering why almost instantly though, and while I first was sure it was because they've probably never seen such a giant amazon woman with short boy hair before, I decided that that was a shit reason, and that the reason was that I'm spectacularly cute. I mean, the k-pop hot guy seemed to think so. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So after this magnificent day of wonder at work, I headed out to K-pop Nonstop's BeatBurger party with Pony, and oh my god, you guys. It was amazing. Literally the sexiest thing I have ever experienced. I used to wonder what people got out of lap dances - a sexy stranger you're not allowed to touch who moves seductively around you, but after this concert (which was a jaw-dropping two hours, Pony and I were both expecting maybe half an hour) it was all painfully clear. These men, they knew what they were doing. The hip rolls, the teasing - they knew the effect they were having on us, and they knew we loved it. It was truly sensual. Pony and I both danced like possessed crazy people until we were all drenched in sweat like they were. It was glorious.

BeatBurger are normally background dancers, so to be taken to a place where they're the stars with girls screaming for them and reaching out to touch them must be a dream come true for them, as much as it was for us. They looked so excited and happy throughout the concert that it was impossible to not be swept up in all of it. I've been on quite a few concerts, and I can say with complete honesty that this is one of the happiest and best ones ever.

I even managed to touch all of them, by us making our way to the front using not just a little force. One of them, Choi Hyo Je, was a bit more of a man-whore than the rest, constantly touching people in the audience, pouring water on himself and the audience in a not entirely unsuggestive way, and like seriously thrusting his hips at the people at the front of the stage while tugging at his sweat-drenched shirt and yet never taking it off. It was friggin' magic. He lay down to crowd surf right by Pony and I (which, being surprisingly heavy, didn't go too well), which led to a whole lot of hot sweaty man torso in our hands. I didn't really get the thing with sweat before, but honey, I sure do now. Sweaty men are amazing. Right before the concert ended he was doing hugs into the audience, and I practically threw myself at him, and while I was at it, planted a kiss on his cheek. Hell, if you almost single-handedly manage to turn on an entire room, I'm going to want to thank you for that. I salute you and your magical hips, sir. Thank you for making me hornier than I think I've ever felt in my life.

Choi Hyo Je, on the left - you're a man-whore, and we love you for it. DJ Jaewon on the right - you are the most adorable thing ever. Baek Koo Yong in the middle - you're not so bad either. ∩(´∀`∩)
Apart from the whole sexual atmosphere, their remixes and the whole gig was amazing, music-wise as well. Their DJ Jaewon Shim really is something, and was smart to only use songs that are well known and sure to get the crowd going, mixed with a hint of western music and a whole lot of kick ass. At one point my bag opened, and I dropped my bottle of nail polish, which of course smashed on the floor. I didn't notice at first and only thought that it was weird that everything started smelling of nail polish, and then people around me tapped my shoulder and showed me what was going on, and obviously I was mortified. Then I noticed the nail polish had gotten everywhere - on my hands, the inside of my bag, even on my phone, which led me to abandon the concert briefly to wipe the top half of the screen covered in an inky black goo. Shit. Luckily, it seems to not really mind too much, and apart from some smudging that I think can be dealt with easily enough I managed to get the nail polish out, and honestly, at that point I really didn't care. I only briefly checked that nothing important had fallen out, before hurrying back to the concert. That's how good it was. Almost like a religious experience.

If the background dancers are this good and have this profound effect on me, what would happen if I went to a Junsu concert? Or any k-pop concert? When this was like dying and going to k-pop heaven, what will that be?

Because damn, I might just die for real.
I left the party when they closed at three, soaked in sweat and happier than I'd been in I don't know how long. It was just the most perfect girls night out, and the best k-pop experience I've ever had. "When are we moving to Seoul?!" Pony asked, and shit, that just about sums up the whole day. It really does seem to be a magical place of wonders. Sweden didn't feel quite so much as a magical place of wonders when waking up at like 1 p.m. with not much of a voice, looking like absolute shit, having to come to terms with the fact that I need to spend a lot of time today trying to save my stuff from the nail polish fiasco. A small price to pay for yesterday though. Sometimes life is just as perfect as you could wish for.

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