
Tuesday, 3 September 2013

On watching Project Runway obsessively, S12E7

This week's episode actually featured an actual fashion challenge - a trip to Marie Claire's office and their shoe department. None of this 'glamping' or unconventional challenges bullshit either. The designers got to chose a shoe to be inspired by (after showing surprisingly poor knowledge of fashion history), and it was like being back to one of the older seasons of Project Runway - real fashion challenges based off, well, real fashion.

 The internet seemed to be overflowing with love for Helen's look, but I can't say I was all that impressed. I mean, a simple princess-seamed little black dress with an arguably cool cape, it wasn't my thing at all. I really don't like the shoes either. What's the deal with pointed toes anyways? They make your feet look enormous. Pony figured that it probably had lots of well-sewed details that wouldn't show up on TV, and I can understand that. I'm just kinda underwhelmed, that's all.

Those shoes look cray-cray on that model.
 Pony and I have both really taken a liking to Alexandria, but I wasn't as wowed by this as the judges seemed to be. The asymmetry of the dress around the top wasn't strong enough to not just make it seem like a mistake, and I'm really not big on the lace detail. The draping looks really good, but my main issue is with these shoes. Firstly, I think they're ugly as fuck. Secondly, well, the model's both too tall and too skinny for them. They're literally just hanging off her legs.

Ken actually threw us for a loop by not whining as a little bitch and actually doing something that looks pretty nice. I wasn't as crazy about it as Pony was, as I thought the peblum looked kinda awkward and big, but the shoulder detail is really well done and the choice of fabric a smart one.


Pony and I both loved everything about this, head to toe. The fit leaves a little to be desired, and maybe the length as well, but we thought it was super cute. Lots of people hated it for looking junior though, but haters gonna hate. I'd steal those shoes off the model in a heartbeat. I really am beginning to dig Dom's aesthetic.

Better than anything else he's made so far.
While I'm still not behind Justin's save, this look is far better than anything he's produced so far, and the shrug is really cool. The bust line of the top is also good, technically - they're hard to do without boobs falling out and stuff. I like the pants, although it would've been cool to see something else tie in with the shoes. After all, they're pretty crazy. No need to go all out and take it too far, but some pop of colour would've really set this off.

The fit on those pants is bitching.
Alexander's contribution to the battle of the tartan pants was rather cool. The shoes are kinda boring and the top looks a little unfinished at the neck (seriously, does no-one ever hem anything at all?), but the fit of those pants is great. Would've been even cooler if he had matched up the print a little better.

Pony really loved Kate's look, while I thought it was plain weird. Pants that are a skirt but pants? I... I don't get it. And to be honest, I don't see how that outfit was inspired by those wacko shoes, that I haven't really made up my mind about if I love or hate. They're so... plastic. I wonder what they're like to walk in. Anyways, the pants totally throw me. I don't understand them at all.

And the award for most literal goes to Karen.
I have no idea how Karen keeps skating by with her terrible garments. Aside from the fact that this outfit wasn't inspired so much of a literal interpretation of the shoes in dress form, it looks poorly made and that jacket is just bleh. She should've been called out for her a) terrible taste, and b) poor sewing skills within the first few challenges. I have no idea how she's still here.

80's hooker.
When Jeremy started describing his idea of a chiffon sweater, I initially didn't think it was such a bad idea. The idea I had in my head looked way cooler than this anyway. The boots are awful. The whole combination feels really Pretty Woman. And is it just me, or is he turning more and more bitchy and full of himself for every challenge? In the beginning I thought he was kinda endearing, while now I more feel like punching his smug face every time it shows up on screen. Anyways, the look is bad, the argyle sweater thing is crafty-looking at best, and the skirt is so so boring. And what's up with his model's hair?

Pony kept thinking that Bradon would be sent home for this look, but I figured he was too much of a judge's favourite to really be in any immediate danger at any point, even while in the bottom two. That being said, this looks ancient. The top looks big and adds weight to the model's slender frame, and the skirt is just so... shiny. If he would have toned down the 50's hair, maybe it would've been salvageable, but really, those shoes should've been dressed down with a well-fitting pair of slim pants and a cute tee. It had no business going to a granny parade.

Ugh, bad Amy Winehouse.
I felt a little bad for Miranda. She shouldn't have been on the show in the first place, seeing as all she seems to be able to do is cropped tops and high waisted stuff. Even when she knocks out a technically sound pair of pants, the tartan was all wrong for the shoes, and the top part doesn't go with it. Geek-chic is a thing, but this is just not playing it right. She should've done more homework and maybe gone down a more super-preppy route to get anywhere in the competition. This just wasn't good. At all.

Then again, it was pretty clear that she'd be leaving soon. She never was a strong contender, and they're weeding out the lame ones one by one. Actually, there aren't that many strong contenders this season. That's why I keep saying they should take a break for a few seasons and come back fresh with new, good talent and stop wasting my time with mediocre fashions. I miss season four. Season four rocked.

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