
Saturday 28 February 2015

On the pursuit of Yohji

With New York Fashion Week having come and gone, and my salary back to what it should be after a very bleak February, I turn my eyes again to trying to make myself look awesome. Like I've said before, one of my life goals is to be able to afford my taste. Sashaying down the street in Yohji Yamamoto, fab hobo style... but alas, I'm a broke-ass girl with expensive tastes in one of the priciest cities of the world. There is unlikely to be any Yohji Yamamoto sashaying in any immediate future. So until then, I'm trying to do Yohji on a budget - and shit's hard. It's even harder not having anyone around who's really interested in that kind of stuff. I miss Pony and Puppy on a pretty much daily basis, but especially at times like these. I need shopping help, peeps.

Thursday 19 February 2015

On hunts and deciding Pony Day

Hey peeps! February doesn't seem to be much for a month of posting. There are some stuff going on, but mostly I think everything feels kinda routine. This morning I found out that someone that was in my initial certification group at work was offered a teaching position at Waseda, while I'm slaving away at Gaba, and that makes me feel a little dejected. Granted, things are better than they were, but I wouldn't mind a teaching position at one of the top universities in the city, if I'm going to have to teach at all I mean. What kind of bothers me though (and will make me sound a bit like a bitch), is how fucking awkward that guy was, and how little experience he had. Shit, is that all that's required? Maybe I should get back on the job hunt path.

Pretty accurate illustration of what will probably come of my job hunting.

I wish I'd brought my degree with me. It's going to suck to have to ask my sister to go up and dig through the millions of boxes to find it.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

On brain farts and hotness

Sometimes, when I'm kinda tired, I'll still absentmindedly look around and think: "Shit, there are a lot of really hot Asian dudes here," totally momentarily blanking the fact that I'm in Japan. Then I remember and feel pleased with myself for making my way to a country where I see mind-numbingly hot people on a daily basis. Go me!

Oh hot Asian dudes. Never leave me.

Monday 2 February 2015

On good starts and bad starts

Pictured: a surprisingly accurate representation.

I got myself a Wacom drawing tablet on Friday evening for Pony-related SCIENCE (I know that makes no sense to you guys, but I know it will make Pony wrack her brain as to what I'm planning for her birthday, so just bear with me)!  I've wanted one for years, literally, but have always been too cheap or nervous about my own ability to get one. The tablet I ended up buying was actually less expensive than I though it'd be, and I'm kinda in love with it. So far I'm still pretty shit at using it, but I'm giving myself time to learn it (and Photoshop), and I think I'm kinda getting there. In the meanwhile, I'm having a butt-load of fun with it.