
Friday 12 September 2014

On pettiness, gangster Koreans and beautiful houses

So it seems like this is turning into more of a weekly thing than a daily thing, and it tends to focus mostly on the weekends. Seeing as my life kinda happens on the weekends, and weekdays kinda have 'work' written all over them. Isn't that everyone though? I mean, isn't that kinda... life? But yeah, bring it on, weekends. Let's let loose!

Thursday 4 September 2014

On playing catch up, part two

Hey look, I'm not taking forever to post part two! I might actually be getting back on some sort of writing wagon. So yeah, I split my update of the past few weeks into two  parts, seeing as the first one alone had like a million different pictures and stories. I don't want you to O.D. on my Japan craziness. Getting back on it now though, no worries.

Oh, and more goldfish.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

On playing catch-up, part one

Oh hi there! Bet you guys were thinking I was dead or had been kidnapped by the yakuza or something. I'm back anyway. You miss me and my everyday ramblings? Well here, have a much overdo long-ass, picture-heavy post. Take it as a token of apology. I feel bad for neglecting my writing, and for neglecting you, my silent readers. I don't know if I'd say that things have been busier than usual, but there's a lot going on in my world and in my head, and I haven't really felt like writing all that much, but I haven't forsaken you! I'm going to give you a quick rundown of everything now instead. Brace yourself, walls of text and pictures are coming. And goldfish. A lot of goldfish.