
Wednesday 13 August 2014

On yo-yo work and yo-yo days

August has so far not been the most stellar of months for me, at least not work-wise. Everyone in Japan is currently celebrating Obon, which means that everyone who's not originally from Tokyo is leaving the city to hang out with relatives, and everyone who's actually from Tokyo is deciding to not give a shit about English. My bookings are low, and I got another pesky negative yesterday. It ended up making me feel rather crushed. Luckily though, the blow was significantly softened in that I'd already asked my bosses for my lesson score comments, so that I'd know what to improve and what I was doing right. This apparently impressed the both of them to the degree that they even mentioned it to the Gaba higher-ups. I've gotta hand it to Peewee, him telling me to ask my superiors really put me in an awesome light. One of them came by my booth today to tell me to not mind the negative, and that he 'got more negatives in the first few months than I can count with all of my fingers and toes'. My colleagues also tell me not to freak out about it either. I'm working on caring less. Some students are just messed up, I guess.

I Skyped with my parents the other day. While it's really great to see them, I can forget that I actually miss people as long as I don't see them. If I don't think about stuff, stuff doesn't bother me. That is, until it does. I've been a little out of sorts this week because of it. I miss hugs. I miss my parents. I miss my family in general. I miss my friends, and I miss the Philosopher, who's currently away hiking and has been AWOL for two weeks. It's weird how you can love your life here, and at the same time have part of yourself feel really lonely. I fill my time with Friendship Auditions and coworkers, and it would be a total lie to say I'm not having fun, but it's not like I can, or I'd even want to, just let everything go and go out on my own adventures.

On a completely unrelated note: when I went grocery shopping on my way home, and the store was playing Super Junior's 'Sorry Sorry' over the radio. I mean, is there a better way to make me happy with my choice of place to live?

Dem boys are just purdy. Life is good, all things considered.

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