
Thursday, 21 February 2013

On nostalgia and dreams

Some days you wake up, or see something, or hear something and you just feel like something's missing. I tend to react that way with this song.

Way back in the days of our earliest correspondence, T introduced me to the Japanese band Sakanaction, which I have worshiped ever since, with this song. I've listened to it almost daily for a year now and I'm still not tired of it. It makes me long for my would-be life in Japan and miss the continuous feeling of wonder I got from being there. It makes me think of neon lights. It makes me miss T.

And it makes me miss summer.
He's planning to come visit me this summer though, which I'm super-excited about. It sucks having close friends that you can only see roughly once a year, but I guess that's something I'll have to get used to for the future. Pony came was talking to me last night in my room and said "You have to have an awesome time in Japan. You just have to. If you don't, I won't be able to justify you being there and not here.", and it just hits home how much I'll miss my friends. Sure, there's Skype and all, but it will be like with my Japanese friends now - we chat a few times a week and video chat maybe once a week or so, instead of my usual routine with Pony now where we charge into each other's rooms making funny noises and disturbing each other when we're doing stuff.

I guess that's just the way of the world really. It's both a good and a bad thing, and nothing I can really do anything about. I just know it's a road I have to take, and while it'll be hard at times, I strongly believe that it'll all be worth it in the end. The dull ache in my chest when I remember how happy I was tells me so.

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