
Thursday, 14 February 2013

On being an absent big sister

You know that feeling when you meet someone you've known since they were tiny, and suddenly they're all grown up? Or at least sort-of. I babysat my sister K's 1½ year old daughter today while she took her 6 month son to the doctor's for shots, and I stuck around for dinner and met her step-kids for the first time in forever, and fuck me, it's crazy how much can change in 6 months at that age. Mostly the boy, who'll be 13 in about a month. "Hi!" I said cheerfully when he came through the door, expecting his squeaky child-voice. "Hi!" answered a teen boy I didn't know had materialized. Shock! Σ(゜ロ゜ノ)ノ
It was an Abra, thus in theory rendering the protection totally useless.
I've known him since he was 5 and would beg me to read him stories. I used to be able to trick him into believing that I was a robot, and would break if I had to get in the water when he'd try to make me go swimming with him. Now I saw this tall kid who even looked more mature than I remember. I was impressed, and at the same time a little saddened that the little bugger who would follow me around and talk non-stop about Dragon Ball and gave me a Pokemon card to keep in my wallet 'for my protection' is growing up. Granted, of course he's still a kid now, with a fervor for Gagnam Style and acting cool, but the gap is closing in a way that makes me nostalgic. Fuck, I remember being 13, it was weird and horrible and I wanted to be so adult! I wanted every single older person out there to think I was cool and not a dorky kid. That sucks when you actually are a dorky kid, but hey, I guess everyone is.
One thing that really worried me though - the 9 year old girl. At dinner, she ate a miniscule portion and told me about how she didn't eat all that much in school either, and ended with "and I hardly had any breakfast at all, only some bread with nothing on it." This freaks me out. 9 years old and sounding like that, it's seriously a bad sign. I don't know if it was something new she'd picked up, or something she thought would sound adult and impressive, but it scared me. I tried to explain to her that the body is like a car - it needs fuel, and that if she didn't eat she wouldn't have the energy to do well in school. I don't know if it reached her, but I made sure to tell my sister to keep an eye on her. A warped idea of food and nutrition needs to be nipped early in the bud, lest it turns into something seriously nasty. I wouldn't wish that on anybody in the world, least of all such a sweet kid.

Kids won't always be kids I guess, and as weird as that may feel for me who's known them forever, it's one of those facts of life. I kinda feel like I should make more of an effort to stick around them and not miss major developments like these. Back when they lived 10 minutes away I was over all the time and was like a big sister to them, and I just realized how much I miss that. In any case, I need to take the 1½ year old to a farm or something. While reading a story to her, she'd enthusiastically point to rabbits and yell "Pig!", cats and yell "Duck!", and squirrels and yell "Otter!". City kids, I tell ya.

Pictured: Dog, toddler logic style.

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