
Sunday, 11 August 2013

On introversion freakouts

What part about Saturdays being a holy day dedicated to sleep don't people understand? As always, Hemingway tried to wake me at the crack of dawn, and I told him "No, I want to sleep late", so he tries to wake me up again like ten minutes later and I proceed to lose my shit. No, just fucking no.

Even after getting up freakishly early, it's not like he stays up either, but occasionally naps throughout the day, like on the couch snoring with his head in my lap, and I just don't understand his sleeping patterns, or why he apparently can't respect mine. If this were the first time it would be one thing, but when it happens again and again I get annoyed.

This annoyance kinda spilled over into feelings of complete shittiness, and I ended up having a minor meltdown on my bed. I'm a pretty introverted person, so when you go from having this entire month where you decide completely what to do with your own time, to having a really intensive week with one person who hardly even wants you to go to the bathroom alone, it kinda wears me down. Obviously Hemingway doesn't mean for this to happen, and obviously I don't want this to happen, because it fucking sucks, but it does happen.

I need to be alone occasionally like I need to eat and sleep. If I don't, I feel terrible. It's not a reflection of how I feel about anyone the same way eating a sandwich when I'm hungry isn't.

Shit. Do you silent readers ever feel like this? Like you're the weird one out?

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