
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

On what I think about when I'm running

Haruki Murakami wrote a book called What I talk about when I talk about running, which is one of the few books of his that I haven't read (I throw myself over everything else with vigor and enthusiasm). I thought I'd raise him one and tell you all what I think about when I'm actually running, seeing as it's one of those rare occasions when I just let everything that's bothering me go and instead just let thoughts that are repressed by thoughts of school and stress surface naturally.

Here we go!

Most running paths around my apartment.
Random thought #1:"This bright pink wind jacket I borrowed from Pony makes me look like the pinkest thing on the surface of the planet. PINK!"

Random thought #2:"Ugh! Ice! Ice! Fuck! Fuck!" *slips*  

Random thought #3: "Fuck, now my socks are wet. Goddammit." *squish squish*

Random thought #4: "I wonder if people are staring more at my turquoise socks or my pink pink pink jacket. Hi people!"  

Random thought #5: "I really AM the best. Take that, asthma!" *air boxing*

Random thought #6: "Shit! Shit! Another runner! Can't stop to rest until that fucker's way out of sight."

Random thought #7: "Isn't pollen just tree cum, really? Is my nose running just because my body is allergic to tree cum? Eww."

Keep your perversions to yourself, tree.
Random thought #8: "I feel like such a creep running behind people, like I'm out to get them. Raaawrr, innocent walker, I'm coming for you!"

Random thought #9: "I wonder if those guys I just ran past are checking out my butt now. ...shit, I wonder if my butt looks good?"  

Random thought #10: "Hi bus people staring out of the window! You're aware that it's not one-way glass right? I can totally see you. Wonder if I should wave?"
Random thought #11: "GET YOUR CRAYON, CRAYON!" *rocks out*

Random thought #12: "Hey you, person coming from the store from across the yard! Imma beat you to the door, motherfucker! Watch me go!"

Hah! I won in this imaginary race you didn' t even know you were participating in. Take that!
Long story short, I really like running, and so does my brain. Now back to work I go.

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