
Monday, 21 July 2014

On party vibes and Cuba Rivers


I don't know if it's me that's become weak as fuck since moving here, or if the Japanese bartenders are happy with the alcohol, but I'm loving drinking in Japan. Seriously, when they call it a Cuba River instead of a Cuba Libre and dunk a shit-tonne of alcohol into it, charging a measly 500 yen (or 35 SEK) a glass (and giving me one for free, along with a basket of nachos and some fried shrimp for being slow with getting my burger ready), what's not to love? I haven't been in the mood for getting shitfaced in a pretty long time, but now that things seem to be solving themselves with everything I was worried about regarding work, I'd love to just go out and get completely black out drunk. Obviously with people I know and safely and yada yada, but just like... wasted. Where's Yanyan when you need him? That boy knows how to party.

Despite things feeling pretty... well, not great last week, things are better this week around. I don't know if it's because I'm letting it go a little and giving less fucks, or if things legitimately are better, but either way, I'm feeling happier. The Philosopher and I are good. My job is good. My life is good. I'm still doing all of my loveable bullshit that keeps getting me into all kinds of interesting trouble. Life is back to being life.

It's a good feeling.

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